All of our cars are covered by AA Roadside Assistance including 'Home Start'.
If you get a puncture or have any other problem with the car, call the AA on 0800 048 1740 and tell them that it is a Hiyacar booking. If asked, quote policy number BCASP271450. The three cars are registered under this policy, which is held by Hiyacar.
Small punctures may be dealt with by re-inflating the tyre with the 12-volt compressor on the BMW but please alert us if you need to do this so that we can check and repair the tyre as necessary.
The Leaf may also be covered by Nissan's EV roadside assistance; details are in the glove box.
In case of difficulty, please phone Hiyacar (020 3856 8900), TECC (â€07399 486002‬) or contact either of us via the app (TECC by using Message within the booking or Hiyacar by using the Help tab > Send us a message).
Senior Club
Please note that the Senior Club is covered by a separate roadside assistance contract for the Leaf and all SC Members have been given the appropriate details. If in doubt, contact TECC directly.